Thursday, 17 September 2015

10 Toxic Side Effects Of Pornography Use

The danger of pornography use isn't about right and wrong. It's about the effects that pornography has on the user and the effects it has on the loved ones of the user. Pornography use has serious, negative side effects.

Some of pornography's toxic side effects include :

1. Creates emotional bond with artificial world
All people have a critical need for human intimacy and emotional connection with others. When someone views pornography, they end up creating an intimate bond with an artificial, fake world and can actually lose the ability to bond with real people.

2. Sex without intimacy
Pornography is about sex being used for the wrong reasons. Because it is sex without emotional closeness, the underlying hunger remains unsatisfied. The viewer starts wondering what is wrong with their relationship and gets irritated or depressed. They end up feeling emotionally empty and disconnected from those around them.

3. Unsatisfying
While pornography has may result in a short term high, it eventually results in feelings of emptiness, low self-esteem and deep loneliness. It ultimately creates emotional distance in relationships. Because the world of pornography is artificial and cannot satisfy the need for emotional intimacy, this basic need remains unmet, creating an appetite for more and more.

4. Triggers addiction cycle in brain
Studies show that actual brain function changes in someone who has an addiction and the changes are the same in all addiction which is alcohol, drugs, or pornography. Because pornography use can become an actual addiction, viewers are not able to stop through their own will power. Pornography addicts will need to engage in the same difficult recovery process a drug addict has to go through.

5. Unfulfilling 
Using pornography to feel pleasure and escape feelings of low-esteem, anxiety, boredom, and frustration creates a gateway to addiction. When the rush of pleasure disappears, the feelings a user is trying to escape form reappear stronger than ever and they are compelled to repeat the cycle. Over time, their brain chemistry is altered and fill-fledged addiction occurs. 

6. Great deception
Initially, you were attached to pornography because of the positive thins it did for you. (I love the rush I feel," "This is my favorite pastime," "I feel lonely." " This is my reward to myself for making it through a rough day...") Eventually, it will do just the opposite. (I  no longer feel an emotional response to anything," "I feel totally isolated from the world," "My anxiety and stress levels are at an all-time high...")

7. Imitation of the real thing
With pornography, we use sex as substitute for nurture, intimacy and love. Sex is no longer a wonderful source of connection between our deepest selves and a beloved partner, it becomes a commodity used to avoid intimacy and mask needs that should be met through human connections.

8. Always hungry
Because this is an addictive substance, it creates an appetite for itself. This appetite increases over time as you spend more and more time viewing pornography. The time spent viewing pornography can jeopardize work, relationship and interest in healthy pastimes.

9. Escalation
Over time, pornography we first started viewing becomes mundane. We escalate to view things which we once would have considered as going too far or totally wrong. We feel increasing desire to do things which will damage our reputation and relationships.

10. Blunt truth
In the long run, pornography will not shore up a shaky ego, will not fill emptiness left from childhood wounds or abandonment, will not save a shaky relationship or failing marriage and is not satisfying. In fact, it will magnify each emotional wound from the past and cripple your ability to meet your essential emotional needs, damage your ability to have a healthy relationship and leave you unable to sexually or emotionally respond to your partner.

Note : Article from Family Share website by Ann Tolley

22 Tanda Hari Kiamat Semakin Hampir

  1. Solat diabaikan (diringan-ringankan)
  2. Keinginan nafsu syahwat digalakkan dan berleluasa disebarkan melalui iklan, buku, gambar, risalah atau filem.
  3. Penjenayah menjadi pemimpin dan kebanyakannya jahil mengenai agama dan banyak memberi fatwa yang menyesatkan pengikutnya.
  4. Perkara benar menjadi salah dan salah menjadi benar. Sukar untuk membezakan perkara halal dan haram kerana haram dianggap halal serta sebaliknya.
  5. Berbohong menjadi satu keperluan dalam hidup dan menganggap jika tidak berbohong sukar untuk hidup senang.
  6. Membayar zakat (harta, perniagaan, dan pendapatan) dianggap beban.
  7. Orang yang hidup mengikut kehendak agama ditindas dan hati mereka sentiasa merintih kerana maksiat berleluasa tetapi mereka tidak mampu mencegahnya.
  8. Turun hujan diluar musimnya dan hujan tidak memberi keuntungan kepada makhluk di bumi.
  9. Fenomena lelaki berkahwin dengan lelaki (homoseksual) dan perempuan berkeinginan kepada perempuan (lesbian) semakin menjadi-jadi.
  10. Perempuan menguasi lelaki dengan memakai ubat guna-guna, sihir dan amalan syaitan yang lain.
  11. Anak-anak mengingkari dan derhaka terhadap ibu bapa (ibu bapa menjadi kuli dan anak menjadi tuan).
  12. Kawan baik dilayan dengan kasar, manakala musuh diberi layanan yang baik. Kawan disangka lawan dan mush dianggap sahabat serta memusuhi orang yang mengajak berbuat kebaikan.
  13. Dosa dipandang ringan malah bangga melakukannya seperti zina, minum arak, bergaul bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan, meninggalkan solat, mendedahkan aurat dan berjudi.
  14. Masjid dihias indah tetapi kosong, dipulaukan, berkunci dan banyak berlaku kecurian barang masjid yang berharga.
  15. Ramai yang solat tetapi munafik dan berpura-pura. Di dalam solat berjanji akan mengikut suruhan Allah SWT tetapi si luar solat melanggar perintah-Nya.
  16. Akan datang golongan manusia dari Barat mengusai mereka yang lemah (iman) dan ramai yang terpengaruh dengannya seperti mengikut cara mereka berpakaian, bergaul dan suka berpesta.
  17. Al-Quran dicetak dengan indah tetapi hanya dijadikan perhiasan dan jarang dibaca serta amalkan kehendak-Nya.
  18. Amalan riba berleluasa hingga orang alim pun terjebak sama.
  19. Darah manusia tidak berharga, sering berlaku pembunuhan, peperangan dan jenayah.
  20. Penganut Islam tidak mahu mengamalkan suruhan agama dan tidak mahu membela serta menyebarkannya.
  21. Akan bertambah penyanyi wanita (wanita yang tidak beriman adalah senjata paling baik untuk syaitan).
  22. Ramai orang kaya pergi umrah dan haji dengan tujuan melancong, yang sederhana pergi untuk berniaga dan yang miskin meminta sedekah.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

3 Ways You Unknowingly Destroy Your Children's Self-Esteem

Parent's want their children to grow up self-confident and capable. Sometimes without even realizing it, your responses may be doing the exact opposite.

"Mom, I'm starting a new piano song! Will you sit by me?" my youngest son asks.

I walk in and sit down at the piano bench. When he starts new songs, he likes me nearby.

A bright smile flashes across his face and he starts playing. After a few mistakes his smile fades and frown appears. I sense his growing discouragement.

From my perspective the song is quite simple, it is easy for me. I almost say, "Oh, come on this is easy, you can do it." Instead I pause and think, "What I say will make my son feel encouraged which helps his self-esteem grow or cause discouragement which can lower his self-esteem. The choice rests with me."

Parent's want their children to grow up self-confident and capable. Sometimes without even realizing it, your responses may be doing the exact opposite which lowers your children self-esteem.

  • Saying "It's easy"
When your children are struggling with a task, it may seem easy to you, however, it is not necessarily easy to them. When you say, "That is easy, you can do it." You are trying to motivate and encourage them, yet it causes your children to think, "Something must be wrong with me because it's not easy to me, therefore I must be dumb." This causes your children to feel discourage and want to give up. It decrease their self-esteem.

Instead tell them, "This can be tough or this is difficult." Then if your children complete the task, they tell themselves, "I did something hard." If they cannot figure it out, at least they know it was tough to begin with. This approach helps children stay encouraged and increase their feelings of self-worth.

  • Doing too much for them
Your children want to do tasks on their own. This gives them a great sense of accomplishment and helps them feel good about themselves. You may feel one way to show your love is doing things for your children. This robs them of the opportunity to learn life skills and the satisfaction of feeling independent. It sends your children the hidden message, "You are not capable."

Instead doing too much for your children, break the task into smaller more kid-friendly tasks. This gives your children the chance to feel the personal satisfaction of completing it on their own. Their self-esteem will soar.

  • Freaking out when their make mistakes
Mistake are part of life - we all make them. You may feel you need to rescue your children from making mistakes or help them to avoid making mistakes. This does not help them - it cripples them for life.

Your children will make mistakes and the way you respond either helps your children learn and grow from the mistake or teaches them mistakes are bad. Mistakes are painful, but they can cause the growth if handled in a healthy way. Don't rob your children of the opportunity to rise to the occasion, admit they are wrong, fix the problem, and feel great about themselves.

Instead freaking out when your children make a mistake, teach them how to make amends and be accountable for their actions. This promotes a healthy view of mistakes and allows your children to feel good about who they are.

Many parents do not realize these three parenting responses diminish their children's self-esteem. If some of these ideas are new to you - take heart because reading and learning shows you are interested in improving as a parent and doing the best you can.

Note : This article was originally published on Damara Simmons' LDS parenting website.

Ingat!!! Jangan Lakukan 24 Perkara Ini Dalam Hidup Anda!!!

  1. Jangan sengaja lewatkan solat. Perbuatan ini tidak disukai oleh Allah SWT.
  2. Jangan masuk ke bilik air tanpa memakai alas kaki (selipar). Dikhuatiri terbawa keluar najis dan mengotori seluruh rumah kita.
  3. Jangan makan dan minum dalam bekas yang pecah atau sumbing. Makruh kerana ianya membahayakan.
  4. Jangan biarkan pinggan mangkuk yang telah digunakan tidak berbasuh. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.
  5. Jangan tidur selepas solat Subuh, nanti rezeki mahal (kerana berpagi-pagi itu membawa pintu berkat)
  6. Jangan makan tanpa membaca BISMILLAHHIRRAHMANIRAHIM dan doa makan. Nanti makanan yang dimakan adalah dari muntah syaitan.
  7. Jangan keluar rumah tanpa niat membuat kebajikan @ kebaikan. Takut-takut mati dalam perjalanan.
  8. Jangan pakai kasut atau selipar yang berlainan pasangan. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.
  9. Jangan biar mata liar di perjalanan. Nanti hati kita gelap diselaputi dosa.
  10. Jangan bergaul bebas ditempat kerja. Banyak buruk dari baiknya.
  11. Jangan menangguhkan taubat bila berbuat dosa kerana mati boleh datang bila-bila mas.
  12. Jangan ego untuk meminta maaf kepada kedua ibubapa dan sesama manusia kalau memang kita bersalah.
  13. Jangan mengumpat sesama rakan taulan. Nanti rosak silaturahim.
  14. Jangan lupa bergantung harap hanya kepada Allah SWT dalam setiap kerja kita. Nanti sombong bila berjaya dan kecewa apabila gagal.
  15. Jangan kedekut untuk bersedekah. Sedekah itu memanjangkan usia dan memperluaskan rezeki kita.
  16. Jangan banyak ketawa nanti mati jiwa.
  17. Jangan biasakan berbohong kerana ia adalah ciri-ciri munafik dan menghilangkan kasih sayang kepada orang kepada kita.
  18. Jangan suka menganiaya manusia atau haiwan kerana doa makhluk yang teraniaya cepat dimakbulkan Allah SWT.
  19. Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia. Akhirat itu adalah lebih utama dan kekal selamanya. Carilah kehidupan dunia untuk akhirat.
  20. Jangan duduk dalam bilik air terlalu lama kerana disitulah tempat tinggal jin kafir dan syatitan.
  21. Jangan merokok dan memasang kemenyan kerana asap itu adalah makanan jin.
  22. Jangan lupa membaca BISMILLAHHIRRAHMANIRAHIM dan salam ketika masuk ke dalam rumah dikhuatiri jin dan syaitan akan masuk bersama.
  23. Jangan memakai tangkal kerana Allah SWT tidak sempurnakan agama seseorang itu jika memakai tangkal ini adalah kerana dikhuatiri kita bergantung kepada tangkal bukan kepada-Nya.
  24. Jangan mempertikaikan kenapa Islam itu berkata jangan sebab semuanya untuk kebaikan dan sesungguhnya Allah SWT itu lebih mengetahui. Yang baik itu adalah dari Allah SWT dan yang buruk itu dari hambanya juga.
Kongsikan kepada rakan-rakan anda dan juga ahli keluarga anda agar kita semua dapat melakukan amar makruf nahi mungkar. In Shaa Allah.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Story Behind Your Date Of Birth

Hey this s really true and see it will work for you too..

If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month : Your number 1.
If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month : Your number 2.
If you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month : Your number 3.
If you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month : Your number 4.
If you were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month : Your number 5.
If you were born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month : Your number 6.
If you were born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month : Your number 7.
If you were born on the 8th, 17th, 26th of any month : Your number 8.
If you were born on the 9th, 18th, 27th of any month : Your number 9.

You are smart, straight talking, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous on competing basis, kind hearted, angry, friendly, authorities, famous person.. Always want to be and regarded as first on people position, they ae often like to be independent, will never be under others, self confident people!
You are most likely to fall in love in the younger age, but will get marry when you mature! You likely to have problems with people who have opposite views and you and most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future.
If you are guy you will be very popular that everybody will have mental attraction and respect at you.
You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of the parliament because you are positive and well talented in numerous issues! But in your life you will always have some people who will work hard to bring you & your name down. This is undercover!!! Because of your smart behaviour you will be hated by some people too.
Your family life is very cool, you will have a very nice partner & wonderful children. 
You are pioneer, independent and original
Your best match is 4,6,8. Good match is 3, 5, 7!!!

No matter what, you will be loved by everyone because your ruler is the Moon and everyone loves the Moon. Well.. You are a person who day dream a lot, you have very low-self confidence, you need back up for every move in your life, you are very much unpredictable. Means you do change according to time and circumstances, kind a selfish, have a strong sense of musical, artistic talent and verbal communication.
Your attitudes are like the Moon, come to gloom and fade away so everybody can expect changes  in you. You can be next Mahatma Gandhi who does peace love or you can be a Hitler who wants to destroy the man kind and peace (I mean in the community and your own home).
If you really have a deep thought about your own believe in God you can feel the difference which will make you stronger! Most of the time your words are a kind of would be happening true! So without any knowledge you can predict the situation. You will become poets, writers or any artistic business people!
You are not strong in love, so you ill be there and here till you get marry. If you are a girl, you will be a responsible woman in the whole family. If you are a man, you will involve in fights and arguments in the family or vice-versa. Means you will sacrifice your life for the goodness sake of your family. You are gentle, intuitive with a broad vision, a power behind the scenes, well balanced people!!!
Your best match is 2, 5, 9 no other people can put up with you!!!

You are a person of hard hearted, selfish most of the times, religious, loves to climb up in your life. You always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will put up with everything. You have the strong word power, pretty happy face. So wherever you go always you have got what you wanted!!!
And from the birth always wanted to work hard in order to achieve something. You will not get anything without hardwork! When you reach a man/women age you want other younger once to listen to you because you want younger people to respect people older than them. You do set so many examples to others.
Generally you are not a cool person. It's not easy thing dealing with you. A tough player you are! But once you like someone's attitude then here you go, what can I say? It will be a lasting friendship. You always have respect from others.
Your life seems to have lots of worries and problems but sure they won't be long. You will always have brilliant kids!!! You love the money a bit too much so temptation will push you to endless trying and trying. If you are a guy then it's over. Looking after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being generous and kind (except 21st born men). And number 3s you will be such an example of how to be in the culture and life!!! If you are girl then you have good character and culture and also hardworking attitude. You always follow.
You are a freedom lover, creative, ambition focused, a person who brings beauty, hope and joy to this world!!!
Your best match 6, 9. Good match 1, 3, 5!!!

You are very stubborn too, very hard working but unlucky in important matters in life, very cool, helpful, you have rough word power. Might put lots people away from you, you may cause nuisance to others if you are man, and you often understand others, and their problems well. If you are girl, you are very good with studies and arts. If you are guy, you spend most of the time after girl friends (almost) at times, you will have sort of too much fun life with mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and get away with their life and you will become empty handed and don't know what to do. So be careful!!! Your love to spend anyway!!!
Your good will is you are always there to help family and friends. Tell you what you people are little gems! Specially the girls. You always fall in love in younger age as well. You often live with disappointments, for an example you have got a degree in something. But you will be unemployed or will do ordinary jobs. But you will take care of your family very well. All you need to be careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart. And beware of your relations too. You are radical, patient, persistent, a bit old-fashioned, you live with foundation & order. 
Your best match 1, 8. Good match 5, 6, 7!!!

You are very popular within the community, you can get things done by just chatting.. to even enemies! You have a pretty good business mind, you are often have no-idea what is today is like, or tomorrow is like. You are a person who does anything when your head thinks "let's do this". 
You will be famous if you open up a business, get involve in share dealings, music etc. Very popular with sense of humor, you are the one your friends and families will always ask for help, and you are the one actually get money on credit and help your friends. You will have more than 1 relationship, but when you get settle down you will be a bit selfish anyway. Because your other half a pretty good amount of control in you, be careful! You tend to go for other relationships! Contacts even you are married at times because your popularity.
You are someone who get along with anyone because the number 5 is the middle number. Changes & freedom lovers you are! You are an explorer with magic on your face. You learn your life through experience and it's your best teacher!!!
Your best match 1, 2, 9. Good match 6, 8!!!

Opppss!!! You are born to enjoy, You don't care about others. I mean you are always want to enjoy your life time, you are a person. You will be very good in either education or work wise or business management! You are talented, kind (but with only people who you think are nice), very beautiful girls and guys, popular and more than lucky with anything in your lives. All the goodness does come with you. Your mind and body is just made perfect for love.
You are lovable by any other numbers. But if you are a number 6 man, you will experience kind of looks from most girls and will involve in more than few relationships until you get married. If you are girl, most of you will get marry / engaged early. You are caring person towards your family and friends.
If you miss the half-way mark then you are about to suffer physically and mentally. Generally you will lead a very good inner-home happiness with nothing short of. You are a person of compassion, comfort & fairness, domestic responsibility, good judgement, and after all you can heal this world wounds to make peace for every life because you have the great power of caring talent to make this world of love one step further.
Your best match 1, 6, 9. Good match 4, 5!!!

You have got the attraction to anyone out there, you are realistic, very confident, happy such a talented individual with your education, music, arts, singing and most importantly acting too. You have real problems with bad temper! If you are girl, you are popular with the subjects listed above.
You give up things for your parents. I mean you value your family status a lot, you will be in the top rank when you reach a certain age. If you are guy, you are popular with girls, you are very talented too. Most of the number 7s face lots of problems with their marriage life.
Only a few are happy. You have everything in your life, but still always number 7s have some sort of unfullfilness, such worries all their lifetime.
It's probably the God given you sort of over the standard human talents and you are about to suffer in family time. So you need to get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you don't, then you might end-up single. So take care with this issue, ok?
You are wonderful, friendly, artistic, happy person. You are born to contribute lots to this world!!!
Your best match is 2. Good matches are 1, 4!!!

You are very strong personality, there's no one out there will understand you. You are very good at pointing your finger at some thing and say "this is what?"
You are more likely to suffer from the early ages. I mean poverty. If your times are not good you might lose either your parent and end up looking after your entire family. You often suffer all the way in life.
The problems will not allow you to study further, but you will learn the life in a very practical way. You are the one who will fight for justice and may die in the war too. You are normally very reversed with handful of friend and most of the time live life lonely and always prepared to help others.
Well once you get married (which often late) then your bad lucks will go away a bit and you become safe! You will face un-expected problems such as :
The error, government, poisonnous animals, accidents.
You are someone with great discipline, persistence, courage, strength which will take you succes. You are the great part of a family team. You are a fighter!!!
Your best match is 1, 4, 8. Good match 5!!!

Hey.. you guys are the incompatibles people int the world. You are so strong, physically and mentally. You are often have big-aims. You will work hard and hard to get there. Normally you suffer in the early age from family problems and generally you will have fighting life. But when you achieve what you have done, it's always a big task you have done! You are so much respected in the community, you are person who can make a challenge and successfully finish the matter off.
You are very naughty in your younger age, often beaten up by your parents and involve in fights and you seemed to have a lot of injuries in your lifetime. But when you grow you become calm and macho type.
Love is not an easy matter of you. You are good in engineering or banking jobs because people always trust you. Your family life is very good, but will have worries over your children.
Your such qualities are humanitarian, patient, very wise and compassionate. You are born to achieve targets and serve every one all equally without any prejudice.
You are totally a role model to anybody in the world for a great inspiration.
Your best match 3, 5, 6, 9. Good match 2!!!

From :-  Facebook - Parkha Khan

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Fakta Yang Wajib Diambil Kisah - AIS

Ramai orang kata tidak elok minum ais, lebih elok minum air panas. Namun, sedarkah kita, Nabi Muhammad SAW melarang kita mengambil makanan dalam keadaan yang panas. Akhirnya kini fakta terbaru kebaikan AIS yang tidak akan mampu dihasilkan oleh mana-mana saintis mahupun manusia.

Teruskan membaca untuk lebih memahami.

Percayalah kepada Al-Quran dan Al-Hadis, kerana kita tidak akan tersesat selagi berpegang pada keduanya.


"Zat didalam ais tidak akan mampu dihasilkan oleh mana-mana saintis mahupun manusia." Jangan ingat minum ais tu tak elok untuk kesihatan. Sebenarnya ada kebaikan didalam keburukan.

Udara panas lebih memudahkan penyebaran penyakit berjangkit kerana bakteria lebih agresif dan cepat membiak. Liputan ais di Antartika (Kutub Selatan) dan Artik (Kutub Utara) adalah pengimbang dasar bumi yang amat panas. Kombinasi dalam bumi yang panas dan luaran bumi yang sejuk adalah rahsia keseimbangan tekanan alam semulajadi yang mengawal graviti dan pergerakan bumi pada paksinya.

Air sejuk yang hening dapat menolong pesakit insomnia yang sukar tidur agar dapat kembali tidur seperti biasa. Orang yang tidur dalam udara yang sejuk dan berselimut untuk memanaskan tubuhnya adalah kombinasi yang baik untuk menjaga kesihatan secara menyeluruh dalam jangka masa pendek apatah lagi jangka panjang.

Membenarkan anak mengunyah ais akan menguatkan giginya dan memberi kanak-kanak makan ais krim secara perlahan-lahan dan berterusan boleh menghilangkan batuk dalam masa beberapa jam. Mengambil ubat batuk biasanya akan mengambil masa satu minggu untuk melegakan batuk secara total. Air sejuk juga akan menguatkan tulang bayi. Ia akan meningkatkan sistem imun yang luar biasa sebagai tenaga pencegahan berbagai penyakit alahan dan jangkitan.

Ais atau air sejuk dapat mengembalikan memori atau sifat pelupa yang keterlaluan. Air sejuk mempunyai daya rangsangan yang boleh mengembalikan semangat orang yang telah hilang seperti pengsan, gila dan koma kembali sedar.

Membiasakan diri mengunyah ais akan meningkatkan kecerdasan fizikal dan kepantasan pergerakan. Ais amat diperlukan oleh mana-mana atlit sukan dalam kecederaan yang tidak disangka-sangkakan. Air sejuk atau ais kini dijadikan bahan perencat kepada kecederaan tang akut seperti demam panas yang biasanya dihadapi oleh bayi yang mempunyai potensi menghidap penyakit sawan.

Air sejuk juga adalah terapi yang amat popular sebagai penguat tulang yang telah patah dengan syarat ia dibalut dengan kain hitam. Air sejuk dalam rahsia cuka adalah sangat baik untuk menguatkan tulang yang patah kerana ia dapat menyembuhkan tulang dengan lebih cepat. Air suam dengan rahsia cuka yang diminum akan melemahkan dan mengecutkan sistem aliran darah yang menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya lumpuh. Mandi air sejuk akan menguatkan tulang. Tulang yang berlebihan dengan urik asid akan meningkatkan suhu tulang dan melemahkan struktur tulang.

Adalah makruh mengambil wuduk pada suhu yang tinggi atau air yang telah terkena panas cahaya matahari yang pastinya akan mengganggu sistem deria pada kulit. Air sejuk secara psikologinya amat ditakuti oleh pesakit yang mengalami gangguan jin atau dikuasi oleh unsur-unsur spiritual yang jahat. Air sejuk mempunyai nada bunyi dalam tekanan rendah yang amat lembut lagi mengharmonikan.

Air kelapa muda bersifat sejuk dan amat bak untuk kesihatan kerana ia amat berkesan meneutralkan kesan keracunan dan keasidan yang berlebihan didalam aliran darah. Tubuh secara semulajadi bersifat panas dan ia memerlukan pasangan yang bersifat sejuk. Oksigen dan hidrogen bersifat panas dan ia menguasai bahagian perut. Adalah menjadi suatu kesalahan memulakan pemakanan di waktu pagi dengan unsur-unsur yang panas. Minumlah seteguk air sejuk di awal pagi kerana ia akan menguatkan perut.

Siapa cakap minum ais boleh melemahkan tenaga batin?

Tanda-tanda Ada Jin Dalam Badan

Antara tanda-tandanya ialah :

  • Selalu ternampak makhluk halus ataupun lnitasannya.
  • Selalu berasa seperti diperhati oleh sesuatu.
  • Selalu terdengar bisikan / suara / helaan nafas.
  • Selalu ada pergerakan dalam badan.
  • Ada penyakit yang tak ada penjelasan mengikut kajian sains.
  • Selalu sakit kepala.
  • Selalu sesak nafas.
  • Selalu cepat marah.
  • Berasa marah / benci kepada seseorang tetapi tidak pasti atas sebab apa, hanya berasa marah sahaja akan dia.
  • Ada kesan cakar-cakar / lebam pada tubuh.
  • Selalu berasa ketakutan.

  • Kerap terjaga.
  • Selalu susah hendak tidur.
  • Bercakap / berjalan dalam tidur.
  • Selalu mimpi binatang-binatang buas dan berbisa.
  • Selalu mimpi kanak-kanak.
  • Selalu mimpi bersetubuh dengan seseorang.
  • Selalu mimpi lemas / banjir.
Sekiranya ada banyak ciri-ciri di atas, besar kemungkinan ada jin yang mengganggu.